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Sept. 1, 2021, 2:54 p.m.

OpenVPN Server Installation (Docker Contaner)

Installation of OpenVPN Server using Docker

Pre-requisite: Docker


docker volume create --name $OVPN_DATA
docker run -v $OVPN_DATA:/etc/openvpn --rm kylemanna/openvpn ovpn_genconfig -u udp://vpn.domain.com

Other arguments that you can specify:

                  -u SERVER_PUBLIC_URL
                 [-e EXTRA_SERVER_CONFIG ]
                 [-E EXTRA_CLIENT_CONFIG ]
                 [-f FRAGMENT ]
                 [-n DNS_SERVER ...]
                 [-p PUSH ...]
                 [-r ROUTE ...]
                 [-s SERVER_SUBNET]

optional arguments:
 -2    Enable two factor authentication using Google Authenticator.
 -a    Authenticate  packets with HMAC using the given message digest algorithm (auth).
 -b    Disable 'push block-outside-dns'
 -c    Enable client-to-client option
 -C    A list of allowable TLS ciphers delimited by a colon (cipher).
 -d    Disable default route
 -D    Do not push dns servers
 -k    Set keepalive. Default: '10 60'
 -m    Set client MTU
 -N    Configure NAT to access external server network
 -t    Use TAP device (instead of TUN device)
 -T    Encrypt packets with the given cipher algorithm instead of the default one (tls-cipher).
 -z    Enable comp-lzo compression.

By default the DNS Servers would be Google’s and which is bad for privacy.
I suggest reading this documentation for hardening the OpenVPN sServer: https://github.com/kylemanna/docker-openvpn/blob/master/docs/paranoid.md

Sample output:

$ docker run -v $OVPN_DATA:/etc/openvpn --rm kylemanna/openvpn ovpn_genconfig -u udp://vpn.domain.com
Unable to find image 'kylemanna/openvpn:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from kylemanna/openvpn
188c0c94c7c5: Pull complete
e470f824352c: Pull complete
d6ed0c7c142e: Pull complete 
74586f3c5cd4: Pull complete
cb26244a2b2a: Pull complete

Digest: sha256:643531abb010a088f1e23a1c99d44f0bd417a3dbb483f809caf4396b5c9829a0 
Status: Downloaded newer image for kylemanna/openvpn:latest 
Processing PUSH Config: 'block-outside-dns' 
Processing Route Config: ''   
Processing PUSH Config: 'dhcp-option DNS' 
Processing PUSH Config: 'dhcp-option DNS' 
Processing PUSH Config: 'comp-lzo no'            

Successfully generated config    

Cleaning up before Exit ...   

docker run -v $OVPN_DATA:/etc/openvpn --rm -it kylemanna/openvpn ovpn_initpki

Sample output:

init-pki complete; you may now create a CA or requests.                                                                                                      
Your newly created PKI dir is: /etc/openvpn/pki                                                                                                              

Using SSL: openssl OpenSSL 1.1.1g  21 Apr 2020                                                                                                               

Enter New CA Key Passphrase:                                                                                                                                 
Re-Enter New CA Key Passphrase:                                                                                                                              
Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus (2 primes)                                                                                                 
e is 65537 (0x010001)                                                                                                                                        
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated                                                                                     
into your certificate request.                                                                                                                               
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.                                                                                  
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank                                                                                                    
For some fields there will be a default value,                                                                                                               
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.                                                                                                              
Common Name (eg: your user, host, or server name) [Easy-RSA CA]:domain.com                                                                                 

CA creation complete and you may now import and sign cert requests.                                                                                          
Your new CA certificate file for publishing is at:                                                                                                           
                                                                                                                                                                                        Using SSL: openssl OpenSSL 1.1.1g  21 Apr 2020                                                                                                               Generating DH parameters, 2048 bit long safe prime, generator 2                                                                                              This is going to take a long time                                                                                                                            ....

DH parameters of size 2048 created at /etc/openvpn/pki/dh.pem

Using SSL: openssl OpenSSL 1.1.1g  21 Apr 2020
Generating a RSA private key
writing new private key to '/etc/openvpn/pki/easy-rsa-73.GekIcP/tmp.PnoJfg'
Using configuration from /etc/openvpn/pki/easy-rsa-73.GekIcP/tmp.HCKHkc
Enter pass phrase for /etc/openvpn/pki/private/ca.key:
Check that the request matches the signature
Signature ok
The Subject's Distinguished Name is as follows
commonName            :ASN.1 12:'vpn.domain.com'
Certificate is to be certified until Dec  4 09:13:32 2023 GMT (825 days)

Write out database with 1 new entries
Data Base Updated

Using SSL: openssl OpenSSL 1.1.1g  21 Apr 2020
Using configuration from /etc/openvpn/pki/easy-rsa-148.dhIlCI/tmp.BjCEAG
Enter pass phrase for /etc/openvpn/pki/private/ca.key:

An updated CRL has been created.
CRL file: /etc/openvpn/pki/crl.pem

Since, I forgot to specify my custom DNS Servers. I need to edit it manually on the docker volume:

$ sudo nano /var/lib/docker/volumes/$OVPN_DATA/_data/openvpn.conf

Sample config of the OpenVPN Server

verb 3
key /etc/openvpn/pki/private/vpn.domain.com.key
ca /etc/openvpn/pki/ca.crt
cert /etc/openvpn/pki/issued/vpn.domain.com.crt
dh /etc/openvpn/pki/dh.pem
tls-auth /etc/openvpn/pki/ta.key
key-direction 0
keepalive 10 60

proto udp
# Rely on Docker to do port mapping, internally always 1194
port 1194
dev tun0
status /tmp/openvpn-status.log

user nobody
group nogroup
comp-lzo no

### Route Configurations Below

### Push Configurations Below
push "block-outside-dns"
push "dhcp-option DNS"
push "dhcp-option DNS"
push "comp-lzo no"

Change the and to your desired DNS servers.

docker run -v $OVPN_DATA:/etc/openvpn -d -p 1194:1194/udp --cap-add=NET_ADMIN kylemanna/openvpn
docker run -v $OVPN_DATA:/etc/openvpn --rm -it kylemanna/openvpn easyrsa build-client-full CLIENTNAME nopass

Replace CLIENTNAME with your desired client name (eg. Laptop).

docker run -v $OVPN_DATA:/etc/openvpn --rm kylemanna/openvpn ovpn_getclient CLIENTNAME > CLIENTNAME.ovpn

Sample client config:

dev tun
remote-cert-tls server

remote vpn.domain.conm 1194 udp


Alternatively, you can use WireGuard which is much faster than OpenVPN and is easier to set up.


